...the night of the fire. This would have happened right after Mike came out with the firemen, and right before he's hauled off to the ambulance. I think even a doormat like Dee should have had at least some kind of reaction to Mike's stupidity, even a delayed one that we never got to see.

Yep, it's a two-fer for you guys! There's some mistakes *coughprofileheadscough* in my art here, but I wanted to put it up anyway, since practice makes perfect and all that. Did you know that there are no pictures of someone slapping someone else on the internet, or at least none I could find? I had to redraw the second panel a million times, especially Dee's hand until it resembled something like a hand that had delivered a smack.
What Mike did was a big controversy among the Foobiverse! Journal and elsewhere...it even made it into Mike's section on Wiki. I don't think it would have been so bad to put the same sequence of events into the FBOFW strip as it was, if Mike had suffered the consequences by having Dee and everyone else call him out on his stupidity, and possibly suffered some ill health. Really, his lungs should either be fried from the superheated air (Heat rises! Second floor!) and/or smoke inhalation. Mike also should have realized what he had done, apologized, and tried to strike a better balance between his writing and family, since he literally got a second chance at life.
I will admit, however, that when I first read the series of strips about the fire, and this was way before I found the Foobiverse, I read about Mike running back in to get his laptop, shook my head and said, this is SO what I would have done! Because yeah, I'm deathly afraid of losing all my writing and art, all my work, you know? But then I thought about it and would I really have risked my life to go back in for these things? The answer really would have been no. I would have stood outside, ranting and crying and hoping that the firemen could knock the fire down quickly and I could save some of my things afterwards. *knocks on wood*