Thursday, December 17, 2009

Too Much Junk in the Trunk

A continuation of the silly 'We're too fat when we're not thin, and outrageous exercise outfit prices' arc.

I wonder what Elly will do with the extra money...


  1. Well, that's certainly a more plausible explanation for their out-of-proportion rears than what Lynn gave.

  2. Excellent strip! But poor Lizzie, stuck in there, trying to climb out of the panel.

  3. Heh, that's a shout-out to FOOBAR Lizzie, by the way. ;)

    When I first saw those giant, fake butts that Elly and Annie had on 2/21/09, that literally was the only thought I had, that they shoplifted those outfits. Especially after that pricetag that was mentioned during the jog on 2/24.

  4. Ha! This explains it. :)

    (Love the shout-out! Poor Lizzie is trying so hard to escape from that panel.)
