*looks around an empty room as tumbleweeds roll by*
Honestly, I cannot believe it's been four months since I last posted here! I have a billion excuses for why I haven't updated before now, but you guys aren't here for that. All I can do is try to post as often as I can. I really do want to get through my list of Fifth Panels to do before they become too old and forgettable. I honestly find it hard to remember any of the new-runs, and I'm sure it's the same for you all too.
Anyway, without further ado...

This is a combination of Elly's obsession with cleaning and negligence of what's really important and Mike's own unnatural obsession with a preschool girl named Deanna. I'm not sure if I like this image or not, I just wanted it up! It's been sitting half-finished in my sketch book for months! Enjoy!