Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How Connie really spent most of her time in Montreal...

We were only shown two, maybe three days worth of Connie's little trip to Montreal. This is what ate up the first four to five days of Connie's trip.

Yep, I'm sure the cops had a lot of questions for Connie afterward. At least they were nice enough to offer her some free accommodations for a few days. Unfortunately, the evidence of Connie's reckless driving was mostly destroyed in the inferno, and Connie had to be released on an unsuspecting Phil. I have a feeling though, that Connie decided to redirect her fantasies elsewhere after the policeman who saved her let her know that he wasn't interested.

Ugh, seriously, WHY did Lynn spend so much time on this particularly horrible story arc? It was outdated and cringe-inducing, as well as not being about the Pattersons! If it was me, I would have cut out what wasn't important, since I would have known what would have happened with Connie in the future, or the past? Urgh, or I would have just reprinted the arc as is to get it out of the way as quickly as possible.

On a more personal note, I really need to learn how to shade properly...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You'll never win, John

The real story behind how that pearl pendant that Ted had John buy for Elly as a Christmas gift vanished for twenty-five years. The surprising thing is that it actually showed up a strip that gave John break after break! If I had been John in that strip (5/08/05), I would have been looking about in terror, waiting for the axe to drop any moment. I'm also betting that April found the pendant in the crawlspace too.

Methinks you better jump higher than that, John.